I think having a blog is kind of ridiculous, but it seems necessary to the conduct of the business being pursued. It's probably another notch more ridiculous that I saved these comments. But yet again, not so much necessary as convenient to me in off-line conversation with people.. when someone who might presume I screwed up in missing the mark so horrifically in following the optimum everybody-knows best-practice of making this site simply act perfectly identical to something that sounds like splot twirled??, or similar. To just use an infinitely lower effort/granularity cut/paste job from ANY other 42 that ever appeared on splot twirled for CW too. As in a seeming to me 100% habit of every broker I spoke with.. and these business gurus arguing... about messaging the ACTUAL wins of Clock Work described herein to interested parties... to instead just say the same formulaic sht they seem to always say. Let that soak in.. arguing.. digging in to isolate interested parties from the differentiating advantages. Hot-dog cart grade business skills. “Nobody ever reads past the first page”.... ignorantly blurted in defense of the cut/paste low-creativity approach to most ads, to me literally 3 weeks ago, while calling others at his brokerage "prima donnas"... might want to check Article XV, section 19... mustard and raw onions please. And I've got the analytics on this site... people read way, way, way past the spec page.
Anyway, as I seem to be about to post what I hope will be my final blog, I thought I'd put this up too and pull back the curtain a bit. Most of the feedback about this site and blog that was not transactionally motivated has been normal and decent and positive and to me, an enjoyable break.. some examples follow. And I’ll happily stack my messaging up against ANY thing the brokers I’ve fired have ever done. For some feedback types shown below, there are other comments in the same vein.
“..the most useful collection of information about a boat anywhere on the web”. This is the largest category of feedback messages, and my personal favorite. I enjoy that my objective and this particular type of comments overlap perfectly. The others below are filler... this was all that matters to me.
“Excellent work on the leak repair!!! The usual suspects would have kept you hanging for another year, hit you for 10-grand to do it, and probably still not fix it. 16 Bucks and a better fix! Love the idea of the test fixture. Printed out and saved with some of your other blogs.” Great... I survive all my not-quite complimentary EPA comments, and now my blogs kill trees. Appreciate the help.
“I greatly enjoy your blogs. They're not just informative, but hilarious too. You identify as technical, and mechanical, and hands-on. Permit me to say that while I believe you are certainly these things to a very high level, I come away believing your approach is informed at the highest level by philosophy. You’re writing is analytical, logical, and readily adopts entirely new perspectives when it needs to – not everyday traits where I live. I have a BA in philosophy from ____ in 1988, so I appreciated the hidden Camus reference. I finally got a chance to use a word they taught me about what to call guys like you polymaths.“ I had to look it up. Thanks for the kind words. I think it was Aristotle who said, bury a reference to a respected philosopher in anything you write, and people will think you're smart.
“Thank you for clarifying all the issues with moisture meters!!!” Confession: that wasn’t all of them.
“GREAT job on your methanol solution... brilliant! How did that not ever get published before?” Before, I couldn’t exploit it to shamelessly drive eyeballs to the web site. You did ask.
“In my humble opinion, you’ve done a huge service to the boating community by introducing and frequently reiterating important but infrequently-considered concepts from your world to mine. Such as complexity, reliability, cause and effect, the existence of the type of thinking you call systems thinking, and the most important, MISSION WORTHINESS. I thought for years I was mechanical because I changed my own oil. You’ve shown me there’s more to it, and have inspired me to try harder. Thank you!!” So you’re calling me repetitious? And less humble than you? I really don't think I'm repititous.
“I’m technically well educated with my own advanced degrees. It would be easy to nod my head and pretend I’ve mastered the various blended theory/practitioner approaches you discuss, but I somehow missed almost all of it. Do you have any insights into where were we supposed to learn these things?” I usually blame the space program, an expansive, unwholesome and crippling curiosity from my parents, and a 53-year best-friendship with the best diagnostic thinker I ever met who inspired me to want to be exactly like him.
“You’re wrong. I’ve used moisture meters for years. They work.” LOL.. love these guys.
Plus one phone call, summarized in this post to friends:

"Masterpiece!" - Text regarding the diesel engine control note.